5 Ways to Boost Your Mood
In today’s fast paced and rapidly changing world, stress, burnout and depression are conditions that are quickly becoming all too common. Work has become more challenging and competitive, and the mere act of reading the news every day is enough to fill anyone with a sense of dread and discouragement. Fortunately, there are many simple lifestyle changes you can make to boost your morale and put you in a better mood when you’re feeling low. Here are a few suggestions:
Switch Up Your Skincare
If you’ve mostly been using basic inexpensive skincare products from your local drugstore, you may want to consider switching to organic & natural beauty products instead. Organic skincare products are made with natural and plant-based ingredients that are not only better for your skin, but can also help boost your mood and overall sense of wellbeing.
Natural beauty products often contain calming, soothing, invigorating or energizing plant oils, essences and extracts. Even the act of methodically applying your skincare every morning can be very therapeutic and put you in a better mood.
Fill Up on Feel-Good Good
Forget the sugar highs and caffeine rushes—if you truly want to feel better, load up on healthy whole foods like walnuts, bananas, pineapples and tomatoes. These are all naturally high in serotonin, a chemical sometimes known as the happy chemical, as it is a natural mood booster that contributes to your wellbeing and happiness.
You can also fill up on foods high in tryptophan, an essential amino acid that your body converts into serotonin. Proteins such as turkey, chicken, fish, eggs, and cheese are commonly high in tryptophan.
Keep Close Connections
Studies have shown that connecting with a close friend for at least one hour every week contributes to your overall mental and emotional health. Regular social contact with a good friend can boost your self-confidence and encourage you to make positive choices. Although it’s becoming more and more common to communicate with people primarily through text or chat, it would be better to meet up in person or catch up on the phone for maximum benefits.
Get Enough Sunlight
Too much exposure to the sun’s harmful rays can be bad for your skin, but getting just the right amount of sunlight early in the morning can drastically improve your mood. Exposure to the sun increases the amount of serotonin in your brain, helping you feel more calm, focused and upbeat. The World Health Organization recommends getting between 5 to 15 minutes of sunlight before 10AM two to three times a week for better overall health.
Get a Soothing Back Rub
Getting a massage naturally boosts your mood by increasing serotonin levels and reducing the levels of cortisol in your body, a stress hormone. If you can, try and get a 10-minute massage from a professional or significant other three times a week for optimum results. Otherwise, try these tips to give yourself a soothing self-massage.
These are just a few simple and practical things you can do at the start or end of your day to relax, unwind, and feel better. They are not very difficult to do, but they can all drastically improve your mood and have an enormous positive effect on your mindset.
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