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Are regular dental check-ups important - learn the why and the how?

There is a straightforward and direct answer to the question, whether a regular dental check-up is important or not? Yes, it is absolutely imperative that you go for regular check-ups to maintain your perfect dental health. Investing in a dentist today will save you the troubles of health complications later on in your life.

Pay regular visits at your Cheltenham dentists every 6 months to maintain healthy gums and teeth.

What does a dentist do?

The dental work can broadly come under two subheadings. The first is care of the teeth and the second is the care of the gums.

The teeth care

  • You can go for a regular check-up, routine examination and cleaning process or you can go for oral prophylaxis depending on what your expert recommends for you
  • Your dental professional will check your teeth for cavities and plaque
  • Plaque is a transparent and sticky layer of bacteria which if not removed timely leads to the hardening and formation of tartar which gives rise to bad breath
  • Both plaque and tartar, once formed cannot be removed by brushing, so it is essential to go for professional cleaning at a dentist
  • Your dental professional might even suggest teeth X-rays to look for hidden cavities in your teeth
  • The dentist will take care of your plaque and tartar problems by a method called the scaling and suggest ways and schedules for brushing and flossing to avoid the re-emergence of the issues
  • Additionally, you might even need to undergo special teeth polishing for whitening of the discoloured zones

The gum care

  • Dentists use specialised tools to check the Gums, so it is imperative to get them checked at a professional dental care facility
  • The depth of the gap between the teeth and the gum is a marker of oral health
  • In healthy gums, the gap is shallow whereas for individuals suffering from bad oral hygiene and problems space is deeper
  • The gum check-ups also include a thorough examination of the tongue, throat, face, neck and head. Your dentist will make sure you are not suffering from any swelling or redness and also look for signs which might indicate possible onset of cancer

The home care

It is imperative that you visit your dentist as often as you can like you would do for your overall health. But in the meantime, you should also make sure you follow up on the routine care of teeth and gums at home.

These are some of the things that you can do at your home,

  • Use a toothpaste that contains fluoride to keep your teeth and gums healthy
  • Brush twice daily without fail and usually after meals to remove food items that get lodged between the teeth and gums. Brushing after meals also helps prevent bad breath
  • Floss on a daily basis to maintain healthy teeth and gums
  • Use a mouthwash to prevent bacteria associated with plaque and tartar formation on your teeth

Teeth care starts with you. Make sure that you can minimise your problems by following certain general good habits. And visit your dentist regularly, to stay updated about your dental health and hygiene.

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