7 Signs That Your Water and Food Intake is Affecting Your Health
Your body sends you warning signs that you must change your water and food intake if your remain aware. By paying attention to them, you can make adjustments to preserve your health, heal your body, grant you greater strength, and make you feel better all day long. Consider these seven signs that it is time to adjust your water and food intake.
- You Are Getting Headaches
If you notice that you are getting headaches more often than usual, then you should adjust your food intake immediately. If you are eating large amounts of processed foods or meals that are high in sodium, it can cause you to experience headaches more often. By reducing your sodium intake to a teaspoon or less and drinking more water, you can alleviate headaches and clear your mind of the pain.
- Your Mouth is Dry Often
One of the signs that you need to improve your water intake is a dry mouth. In fact, if your mouth is already dry, it is a signal that you are likely dehydrated. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day is often suggested, but WebMD recommends that you consume between half an ounce and an ounce of water for each pound you weigh. For example, if you are 140 pounds, aim to drink at least 70 ounces of water per day. If you work out and sweat more, you should be drinking up to 140 ounces of water each day.
- You Feel Nauseous after Drinking Regular Tap water
One of the less obvious signs that you may need to alter your water intake is if your water tastes funny, or if you feel queasy after drinking plain tap water. The fact is there are many impurities (including traces of prescription drugs) that may exist in tap water, and varying geographical areas do experience higher rates of imbalance and pollution in water than others. Even trace levels of contamination in water can build up over time and result in fatigue, bodily aches, and even sickness.
The Harvard School of Public Health reports that higher levels of toxicity in water was found in over 20% of U.S. states, notably near military zones, industrial sites, and wastewater treatment plants. For this reason, drinking purified water is highly recommended if you suspect that your water sources may be tainted. One of the simplest ways to significantly improve your water intake and ensure that it is safer is to drink filtered water, and keep a water purifying bottle with you from fill2pureusa.com while you are on-the-go.
- You Are Losing Weight Too Fast
It is advised that the average female consumes at least 2,000 calories a day, and for males, 2,500 calories a day. Shape Magazine declares that you should never drop your calorie intake below 1,200 calories a day, especially without a doctor’s permission, or you risk developing major health issues. Individuals who regularly reduce their calorie intake to very low levels may develop anorexia, which can damage many areas of the body and become life-threatening.
- You Are Gaining Extra Weight
On the other hand, if you are gaining weight quickly, it is likely that you need to lower your food intake. Not only can consuming above the required amount of calories per day lead to packing on the pounds, but eating processed foods and overindulging are also culprits. Studying the nutritional label of foods that you eat is critical to balance your food intake and avoid gaining weight. One of the ways that people sabotage themselves is by eating to many servings of food during each meal. By following the label and ensuring that you are not overindulging by mistake, you may discover that those extra pounds fall off with less effort.
- You Feel Extremely Fatigued
Many people who feel tired every day may be experiencing the effects of an imbalanced diet, or a diet that is low in vitamins. The Mayo Clinic reports that iron deficiency can be the cause of extreme fatigue, a poor appetite, cold hands and feet, chest pain, shortness of breath, and a sore tongue among other symptoms. If you are abnormally tired all of the time, consult your primary physician for assistance. It is important to remember that a range of vitamins are necessary for a healthy life, and by eating a balanced diet , you will likely consume enough essential vitamins. However, many people do not consume a balanced diet every day. Eating a diet that is rich in leafy greens, vegetables, lean meats, and avoiding processed foods and sugars is best.
- You Are Swelling Up
If you notice parts of your body, such as your hands, feet, or other limbs are swelling up, then you may be retaining extra water. Water retention may appear as a general swelling throughout the body, or it may be in a localized area. Eating more vegetables and fruits, and adding more potassium to your diet is also recommended to naturally reduce the swelling. In some cases, retaining extra water may be the result of a more serious health condition, so consult your doctor.
Making some simple adjustments to your water and food intake can improve the quality of your life, or even save it. Keep in mind that you should consult your doctor for more information before attempting to treat yourself after self-diagnosis, and he or she can advise the best course of action for your life. Although it may be difficult to make the initial changes that you need in the right direction, you can empower yourself to do so by thinking of all the marvelous health benefits and added vitality that you will receive in return. Making small changes today can result in a healthier, more vibrant you tomorrow, so move forward with ease.
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