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Why Do People Snore? - Causes, Complications, Treatments

Anyone that can sleep, can snore. This is a very common thing that happens amongst a lot of people and those that find it embarrassing, should not feel like this way, especially because of one reason – it happens while we are sleeping, see here, so it is out of our control, we are not subconsciously aware of it most of the time.

There is good news however, there are things that can be done to control it. Rendering you a peaceful night. This article will divulge in this and bring some further information on what causes snoring, and the various complications and treatments that it can bring. For further information regarding this, keep reading.

Causes of Snoring

Let’s start with the “why?” we snore. There is no one specific thing that can cause this awful sound from coming out of our or our partners throats while we sleep, but rather a few different things. We will look at the 5 common ones.

Sleep Deprivation. Did you know, not getting enough sleep makes one snore? This is the simplest explanation for some people doing it, thus the simplest solution would ideally be, try and get your 8 to 9 hours every night. This can be helped by a few things such as supplements, exercising, making the room temperature cooler, use a breathing method that has proved to work, also trying out a schedule can help if you go to bed the same time every night.

Your Sleeping Position. When you sleep on your back, the noise is usually louder and more frequent. Which is why people are advised to turn to their side and sleep or turn their partners on their side when they snore.

The Anatomy of Your Mouth. When your airways are narrow it can lead to snoring. Some people have a low, thick, and soft palate, which leads to this narrowing, and especially those who are overweight are more susceptible. They tend to have extra tissue in the back of their throats, this can affect the “uvula” which is the elongated part in their throat which should be usually open for air, but isn’t and leads to an increase in vibration which makes the noise.

Nasal Issues. Those that suffer from issues such as nasal congestion or a deviated septum, which is when their nose is crooked, can contribute to snoring.

Drinking Too Much. Yes, you heard it. Too much alcohol can play havoc to everything else in the body as well as the sound that comes out of your mouth while you sleep. Because it relaxes the throat muscles, it decreases the body’s natural defenses against airway obstruction.

The Risk of Complications

One of the simpler complications is straining your partner’s sleep. However other serious complications when suffering from OSA (obstructive sleep apnea) can include:

  • Daytime Drowsiness can affect productivity, driving, and overall activities.
  • Your emotions can be haphazard i.e. frequently getting irritated and angry at everything which could lead to high blood pressure
  • Gasping or choking during sleep
  • Chest pains at night
  • Not feeling your best in the mornings
  • Children can also risk complications such as behavioral issues, poor performance in the education arenas

These are just a few of the things one can suffer from due to this condition.

One Important Preventative Measure One Can Take

As mentioned earlier in the article, there is good news for those who fall into this category. According to the Eschenbach snoring prevention experts, one of the solutions to prevent this is by using a MAD device, or a mandibular advancement device.   

This is a device that has been specially designed to treat people with snoring issues or PSA which acts to keep the lower jaw in the forward position. By doing this it increases the space between one’s air passage, helping you to breathe more clearly and better, making it a much quieter night for you and the rest of your family.

Additional advice we can give you is to lose weight if you feel that you are over-weight, eat a healthy and simple diet every night, do not drink too much alcohol, and make sure you do relaxing exercises an hour before bed such as meditation or yoga.

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