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7 Signs of Asbestos Poisoning and How to Prevent It

It is estimated that asbestos poisoning is responsible for about 90,000 deaths globally every year. In addition to this, 125 million people remain at risk of exposure from asbestos. It is mainly occupational related. Asbestos is one of the natural mineral products. Asbestos refers to six minerals that occur naturally. These minerals are Chrysotile, Amosite, Tremolite, Crocidolite, and Anthophyllite. Chrysotile is the most common type... ❯❯❯

7 Tips to Detect Early Signs of Skin Cancer

While skin cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer, it does have the highest survival rate. Unfortunately, recognizing changes in your skin can challenging as it is an organ that is ever-changing. The appearance of our skin can change as we age and in response to sun damage. In most cases, the moles and other spots on our skin are innocuous and are typically more unsightly than they are dangerous. In fact, studies have shown... ❯❯❯

7 affordable ways to help your body function at its best

When it comes to the human body, it is a marvel of engineering that is still not fully understood. It is capable of fighting off infection and warding off disease without us having to do much to facilitate the process. However, we still must do our part to ensure that it continues to operate at peak efficiency. Of course, this does not mean spending an exorbitant amount of money on whole foods or expensive gym memberships. After all,... ❯❯❯

What You Need to Know About Fascia and Your Health

What You Need to Know About Fascia and Your HealthHow much do you know about your fascia? It’s an important part of human anatomy that’s finally getting the attention it deserves, because caring for this connective tissue could make a big difference in your mental and physical health. Harvard Medical School held the first international Fascia Research Congress in 2007. Since then, fascia has continued to grow as a buzzword in places like yoga studios and physical therapy centers. For... ❯❯❯

7 practices to develop a strong and healthy outlook in life

It’s been said that living a positive life helps create a positive life. When you choose to live a happy life rather than a negative one, you can bring more positive energy into your life. Happy, positive people tend to attract goodness into their lives, and that has encouraged many people to spend more time looking to change their attitude and outlook. It’s not always as easy as waking up each morning and deciding to be in a good... ❯❯❯

7 well-known facts that boost mental health

We are already several weeks into 2019, and a lot of people have already given up on their new year resolutions. Probably, you had resolved to quit smoking and drinking, eat more vegetables, go to the gym every day, or even volunteer some of your spare time. But for various reasons, you are not making any strides in your 2019 resolutions. This year, before you let your resolutions fly out of the window, probably you can try out a... ❯❯❯

Smile and forget about your back pain with this alternative therapy

Are you suffering from chronic low back pain or find it difficult to sleep because of the same? Is your back making your life miserable? If the answer to all the questions is YES, then this is the right place to know the remedies for your low back pain and the other ailments that come along with it. The lingering effects of the low back pain can take a toll on your health. Neck aches, muscle stiffness, back joint dysfunction, muscle... ❯❯❯

For a positive outcome from massaging sessions, you must set the right expectations

Stress has become a part of the modern lifestyle and affects people of all ages. Stress is a silent killer as it triggers several diseases and destroys the body and mind. Instead of treating diseases, it is always better to treat stress so that it remains under control by adopting some techniques of relaxation like massaging. Massaging therapy ensures healthy living as it not only takes care of stress that reduces the threat of... ❯❯❯

Here's a heads up: children can have concussions too!

Children are spritely. They love to play, run about and live in their world of dreams. As a result, they often tumble, fall and hit their head while frolicking around. Apart from putting an icepack on their injury, parents need to pay attention to the subtle signs that may indicate a concussion. Many children reach the ER every year with telltale signs of mild traumatic brain injury (TBI). However, it takes some time for parents to... ❯❯❯

Methods to Safely Repair Damaged Teeth

Having damaged teeth can be embarrassing as well as sometimes painful. Teeth can be chipped, broken, erode, and lose enamel. There are methods that are used to address these issues you may experience with your teeth. Repairing a Chipped or Broken Tooth If your tooth is chipped, broken, or fractured, you should contact your dentist for an appointment as soon as possible. If you do not visit a dentist to repair the broken tooth, your... ❯❯❯